
DoctorateAfter the oral examination

Publication of your thesis

The dissertation must be published no later than two years after the disputation.

Please note that the supervisor must agree to the form of publication.

Please note that in all forms of publication, a copy of your thesis must be stamped and signed by the Dean (please request this from the Dean's Office)

Type of publication

The publication (§ 13 Doctoral Regulations) can be made in different ways.

  • Aa) 10 copies in book or photoprint for the purpose of distribution - 1 version should be stamped and signed by the dean (please request in the dean's office!) 
  • Ab) 2 printed copies plus 1 complete original version - stamped and signed by the dean (please request in the dean's office!) - in book or photo print as well as a text-identical electronic version on the Heidelberg document server heiDOK, the data format and data carrier of which are to be coordinated with the University Library. The doctoral candidate thereby transfers to the University Library and the DNB (German National Library) in Frankfurt/Leipzig the right to publish the electronic version in data networks.
    > Please note that in this case the supervisor(s) must agree to the form of publication by stamping and signing the proof of publication.
    > You must upload your PDF file to the Heidelberg document server heiDOK yourself.
  • B) 3 copies in book or photoprinting, if a commercial publisher takes over the distribution via bookstores and a minimum circulation of 100 copies is proven
    > Please note that in this case the supervisor(s) must agree to the form of publication by stamping and signing the proof of publication.
  • C) 3 copies in book or photoprint, if the publication is in a magazine
    > Please note that in this case the supervisor(s) must agree to the form of publication by stamping and signing the proof of publication.

For doctoral students who have written a cumulative dissertation, a cross must be placed under "C" on the proof of publication.

A request for publication blocking can be submitted to the library. This is possible if the dissertation is associated with a patent application or a journal publication. Further details and the corresponding forms can be found on the HeiDok FAQ page. When requesting a hold, you must upload the electronic version of your dissertation to the heiDOK repository and follow the instructions under FAQ.

On the right you will find information on Open Access publishing at Heidelberg University.

Certificate and testimony

The General Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences issues the doctoral certificate and the doctoral diploma.

Immediately after the doctoral examination, you will receive a provisional certificate. This certifies on which day and with which grade you have completed the examination.

The awarding of the original certificate takes place twice a year (at the beginning of the lecture period) within the festive framework of the doctoral graduation ceremony. Information on the graduation ceremony can be obtained from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences.

Siegel Stempel

To note:

The form “Proof of Publication” serves as proof of the proper publication of your thesis. The proof, as well as the “discharge slip” for doctoral candidates in chemistry, are a prerequisite for receiving the doctoral certificate and the doctoral diploma. You must complete these certificates and submit them to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences. Only then will you be issued a certified copy of the doctoral certificate and the doctoral transcript.

Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony will take place in the Aula of the New University, Grabengasse 3-5, or in the Aula of the Old University, Grabengasse 1, in Heidelberg.

General information about the graduation ceremony:

  • Only doctoral candidates who have already published can participate in the ceremony
  • Proof of publication must be received in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty no later than 14 days prior to the ceremony
  • The awarding of the original doctoral certificates of the entire faculty takes place during the graduation ceremony
  • A corresponding invitation is available in the dean's offices of the respective faculties or online
  • Registration and deregistration are only possible via the existing registration/deregistration form
  • As requested, there is no seating and dress code
  • The program schedule can be found in the program sheets distributed on site

    Graduation Ceremony

Neue Aula